In many tricks of any patterned, is different, with the aim of delivering the same (Tabliq): include:
1. Bayan (Obviously it is),
2. Gair Bayan, such as: Dilalah Syar'u Man Qoblana (Parable orang2 argument before us), Qiyasan (alternative imagery) and others.
Transportation to the receiver also turned out to different backgrounds:
1). There are Tafhim (quick understanding),
2). Ignorant (stupid),
3). And other miscellaneous, the Prophet warned: "Verily, you (Muhammad SAW) can not give instructions to the person who you (Muhammad SAW) loved, and but Allah was giving instructions to the person who pleases", the picture for us, among others just will guide each other in goodness and kesobaran. Yu tela'ah let us do anything just so!